Machine Design
When the shaft rotates in anticlockwise direction at high speed in a bearing, it will

Have contact at the bottom most of the bearing
Move towards right of the bearing making metal to metal contact
Move towards right of the bearing making no metal to metal contact
Move towards left of the bearing making metal to metal contact


Machine Design
According to Rankine's theory, the failure occurs at a point in a member

When the maximum principal strain in a biaxial stress system reaches the strain at the elastic limit as determined from a simple tension test
When the strain energy per unit volume in a biaxial stress system reaches the strain energy at the elastic limit per unit volume as determined from a simple tension test
When the maximum principal stress in a biaxial stress system reaches the elastic limit of the material in a simple tension test
When the maximum shear stress in a biaxial stress system reaches the shear stress at elastic limit in a simple tension test