Analog Electronics The silicon transistor are more widely used than germanium transistors because they have smaller leakage current. they have larger electric current carrying capacity. they have better ability to dissipate heat. they have smaller depletion layer. they have smaller leakage current. they have larger electric current carrying capacity. they have better ability to dissipate heat. they have smaller depletion layer. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics A semiconductor diode is linear device a processing device bilateral device non-linear device linear device a processing device bilateral device non-linear device ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In CE configuration, the input V-I characteristics are drawn by taking VCE versus IC for constant value of IE. VBE versus IE for constant value of VCE. VBE versus IB for constant value of IC. VBE versus IB for constant value of VCE. VCE versus IC for constant value of IE. VBE versus IE for constant value of VCE. VBE versus IB for constant value of IC. VBE versus IB for constant value of VCE. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The β of a transistor is the ratio of the base current to collector current. collect current to emitter current. emitter current to collector current. collect current to base current. base current to collector current. collect current to emitter current. emitter current to collector current. collect current to base current. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics IGFET is a square - law device. 3 / 2 power - low device . linear device. half - power device. square - law device. 3 / 2 power - low device . linear device. half - power device. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The base - emitter voltage is usually none of these. equal to the base supply voltage. more than the base supply voltage. less than the base supply voltage. none of these. equal to the base supply voltage. more than the base supply voltage. less than the base supply voltage. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP