Analog Electronics The main factor which makes a MOSFET likely to breakdown during the normal handling very low gate capacitance. high leakage current. both (A) and (C). high input resistance. very low gate capacitance. high leakage current. both (A) and (C). high input resistance. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics If temperature increases then conductivity of a semiconductor is ................... Constant Decreases Increases None of these Constant Decreases Increases None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The collector - emitter voltage is usually none of these. less than the collector supply voltage. more than the collector supply voltage. equal to the collector supply voltage. none of these. less than the collector supply voltage. more than the collector supply voltage. equal to the collector supply voltage. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The current gain of a pnp transistor is the ratio of collector current to emitter current. the collector current divided by the emitter current. near zero. the negative of the npn current gain. the ratio of collector current to emitter current. the collector current divided by the emitter current. near zero. the negative of the npn current gain. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Which is the conversion of current done by diode ? DC to AC None of these AC to DC DC to DC DC to AC None of these AC to DC DC to DC ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics When the pn junction is forward biased the sequence of events that take place are diffusion, drift and recombination. injection, diffusion and recombination. diffusion, injection and drift. none of above. diffusion, drift and recombination. injection, diffusion and recombination. diffusion, injection and drift. none of above. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP