GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The rating of given on the name plate of a transformer indicates the: True power whichh it draws from the supply mains Apparent power which it draws from the supply mains Apparent power which it can supply True power which it can supply True power whichh it draws from the supply mains Apparent power which it draws from the supply mains Apparent power which it can supply True power which it can supply ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP The rating of given on the name plate of a transformer indicates the:Apparent power which it can supply S=V( supplied voltage)*I (load current)active power = v* i*cosφreactive power = v* i*sinφ
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) In the standard B-H curve X axis and Y axis intercepts respctively represents Hysteresis loss and Flux coercive force and residual magnetism residual magnetism and coercive force Flux and MMF Hysteresis loss and Flux coercive force and residual magnetism residual magnetism and coercive force Flux and MMF ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The breaking capacity of a CB is usually expressed interms of MVA amperes volts MW MVA amperes volts MW ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) HVDC transmission is preferred to EHV AC because Its terminal equipment are inexpensive Harmonic problem is avoided VAR compensation is not required in it System stability can be improved Its terminal equipment are inexpensive Harmonic problem is avoided VAR compensation is not required in it System stability can be improved ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) The value of holding ratio of relay is always zero less than 1 Infinite greater than 1 zero less than 1 Infinite greater than 1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
GETCO Exam Paper (22-07-2015) In load flow analysis, the load at the bus is represented as none of these a constant current drawn from the bus a constant impedance connected at the bus a voltag dependent impedance at the bus none of these a constant current drawn from the bus a constant impedance connected at the bus a voltag dependent impedance at the bus ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP