Surveying The normal longitudinal overlap is generally kept 0.75 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.75 0.6 0.7 0.5 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying Bowditch rule is applied to determine the effect of local attraction None of these a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error an open traverse for graphical adjustment determine the effect of local attraction None of these a closed traverse for adjustment of closing error an open traverse for graphical adjustment ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying If altitude bubble is provided both on index frame as well as on telescope of a theodolite, then the instrument is levelled with reference toi) altitude bubble on index frameii) altitude bubble on index frame if it is to be used as a leveliii) altitude bubble on telescopeiv) altitude bubble on telescope if it is to be used as a levelThe correct answer is only (i) only (iii) both (ii) and (iii) both (i) and (iv) only (i) only (iii) both (ii) and (iii) both (i) and (iv) ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying The necessary geometrical condition for triangulation adjustment is: The sum of the eight angles of a braced quadrilateral should be 360° All listed here The sum of the angles around a station should be 360° The sum of the three angles of a plane triangle should be 180° The sum of the eight angles of a braced quadrilateral should be 360° All listed here The sum of the angles around a station should be 360° The sum of the three angles of a plane triangle should be 180° ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying If the magnetic bearing of the sun at a place at noon in southern hemisphere is 167°, the magnetic declination at that place is 13° W 13° E 23° S 77° N 13° W 13° E 23° S 77° N ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying If θ and δ be the latitude of an observer and declination of a heavenly body respectively, the upper culmination of the body will be south of zenith if its zenith distance, is θ + δ θ - δ ½ (θ - δ) δ - θ θ + δ θ - δ ½ (θ - δ) δ - θ ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP