MGVCL Exam Paper (30-07-2021 Shift 2)
The miniature circuit breaker (MCB) with Class D trip characteristics trips instantaneously when the current flowing through it reaches ____ the rated current.
Class B trip curve : The MCB with class B trip characteristics trips instantaneously when the current flowing through it reaches between 3 to 5 times rated current. These MCBs are suitable for cable protection.
Class C trip curve: MCB with class C trip characteristics trips instantaneously when the current flowing through it reaches between 5 to 10 times the rated current. Suitable Domestic and residential applications and electromagnetic starting loads with medium starting currents.
Class D trip curve: MCB with class D trip characteristics trips instantaneously when the current flowing through it reaches between Above 10 (excluding 10) to 20 times the rated current. Suitable for inductive and motor loads with high starting currents.
Class K trip curve: MCB with class K trip characteristics trips instantaneously when the current flowing through it reaches between 8 to 12 times the rated current. Suitable for inductive and motor loads with high inrush currents.