RCC Structures Design The load stress of a section can be reduced by Increasing the total perimeter of bars Replacing smaller bars by greater number of greater bars Replacing larger bars by greater number of small bars Decreasing the lever arm Increasing the total perimeter of bars Replacing smaller bars by greater number of greater bars Replacing larger bars by greater number of small bars Decreasing the lever arm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design The length of lap in tension reinforcement should not be less than the bar diameter × (actual tension / four times the permissible average bond stress) if it is more than 30 bar diameters 24 bar diameters 36 bar diameters 18 bar diameters 30 bar diameters 24 bar diameters 36 bar diameters 18 bar diameters ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design In a doubly-reinforced beam if ‘c’ and ‘t’ are stresses in concrete and tension reinforcement, ‘d’ is the effective depth and ‘n’ is depth of critical neutral axis, the following relationship holds good mc/t = n/(d - n) (m + c)/t = n/(d + n) (t + c)/n = (d + n)/n mc/t = (d - n)/t mc/t = n/(d - n) (m + c)/t = n/(d + n) (t + c)/n = (d + n)/n mc/t = (d - n)/t ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design Top bars are extended to the projecting parts of the combined footing of two columns L distance apart for a distance of 0.1 L from the outer edge of column 0.1 L from the centre edge of column Half the distance of projection One-fourth the distance of projection 0.1 L from the outer edge of column 0.1 L from the centre edge of column Half the distance of projection One-fourth the distance of projection ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design If the tendon is placed at an eccentricity e below the centroidal axis of the longitudinal axis of a rectangular beam (sectional modulus Z and stressed load P in tendon) the stress at the extreme top edge Remains unchanged Is increased by PZ/e Is increased by Pe/Z Is decreased by Pe/Z Remains unchanged Is increased by PZ/e Is increased by Pe/Z Is decreased by Pe/Z ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
RCC Structures Design In case the factor of safety against sliding is less than 1.5, a portion of slab is constructed downwards at the end of the heel slab, which is known as A cut-off wall All listed here A rib A key A cut-off wall All listed here A rib A key ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP