Alligation or Mixture problems
The average weight of boys in a class is 30 kg and the average weight of girls in the same class is 20kg. If the average weight of the whole class is 23.25 kg, what could be the possible strength of boys and girls respectively in the same class?
Given rate of wheat at cheap = Rs. 2.90/kg Rate of wheat at cost = Rs. 3.20/kg Mixture rate = Rs. 3/kg Ratio of mixture = 2.90 3.20 3 (3.20 - 3 = 0.20) (3 - 2.90 = 0.10) 0.20 : 0.10 = 2:1 Hence, wheat at Rs. 3.20/kg be mixed with wheat at Rs. 2.90/kg in the ratio of 2:1, so that the mixture be worth Rs. 3/kg.
Customer ratio of Milk and Water is given by Milk :: Water 6.4 0 8 1 + 3 8 = 64 11 64 11 64 10 - 64 11 => Milk : Water = 110 : 11 = 10 : 1 Therefore, the proportionate of Water to Milk for Customer is 1 : 10
Ratio of milk and water = 2 : 1
Quantity of milk = 60 X 2/3 = 40 litre
Quantity of water = 20 litre
To make ratio, 1: 2, we have to double the water that of milk
So, water should be 80 litre.
That means 80 ? 20 = 60 litre water to be added.