Alligation or Mixture problems
The average monthly salary of employees, consisting of officers and workers, of an organisation is Rs. 3000. The average salary of an officer is Rs. 10,000 while that of a worker is Rs. 2000 per month. If there are total 400 employees in the organisation, find the number of officers and workers separately.
As per figure we can calculate the ration as belowNumber of officers / Number of workers = 1000 / 7000 = 1 / 7 No. of officers = 1 / (1 + 7) × 400 = 50 No. of workers = 400 ? 50 = 350
By the rule of alligation: Cost of 1 kg pulses of 1st kind Cost of 1 kg pulses of 2nd kind Rs. 15 Mean Price Rs. 16.50 Rs. 20 3.50 1.50 ∴ Required rate = 3.50 : 1.50 = 7 : 3.
Let C.P. of 1 liter milk be Re. 1, Gain = 16 2/3 % = 50/3 %and S.P. of 1 liter mixture = Re. 1 then C.P. of 1 liter mixture = (1 x (100 x 3) / 350) = Re. (6 / 7) By the rule of alligation,Hence, required ratio = (1/ 7) : (6 / 7) = 1 : 6