Wine and Beer Most important species of vinegar bacteria causing sliminess is Saccharomyces carlsbergiensis None of these Acetobacter aceti Lactobacillus lactis Saccharomyces carlsbergiensis None of these Acetobacter aceti Lactobacillus lactis ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Wine and Beer The Sarcina sickness of beer, caused by Pedicoccus cerevisiae, is characterized by all of these popiness sourness turbidity all of these popiness sourness turbidity ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Wine and Beer The potential spoilage organism in beer is S. cerevisiae S. lactis Saccharomyces diastaticus S. carlsbergensis S. cerevisiae S. lactis Saccharomyces diastaticus S. carlsbergensis ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Wine and Beer If the mash in the brewhouse is held too long it may undergo citric acid fermentation butyric acid fermentation both (a) and (b) lactic acid fermentation citric acid fermentation butyric acid fermentation both (a) and (b) lactic acid fermentation ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Wine and Beer The fermentation of wine can be carried out using the strains of Saccharomyces carlsbergenesis Bacillus subtilis Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pedicoccus cerevisiae Saccharomyces carlsbergenesis Bacillus subtilis Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pedicoccus cerevisiae ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Wine and Beer Gassiness resulting from the liberation of carbon dioxide by hetero fermentative lactics is called pousse amertume none of these mannitic pousse amertume none of these mannitic ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP