Microprocessor ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit ) of 8085 microprocessor consists of Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic and logic circuits Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags Accumulator, arithmetic and logic circuits Accumulator, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic and logic circuits Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags Accumulator, arithmetic and logic circuits Accumulator, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Which components are NOT found on chip in a microprocessor but may be found on chip in a microcontroller? EPROM & PORTS EPROM, USART & PORTS SRAM & USART SRAM, EPROM & PORTS EPROM & PORTS EPROM, USART & PORTS SRAM & USART SRAM, EPROM & PORTS ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The clock speed of 8085 is 3.2MHz. 3.2KHz. 1MHz. 1KHz. 3.2MHz. 3.2KHz. 1MHz. 1KHz. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The first machine cycle of an instruction is always A memory read cycle A memory write cycle An I/O read cycle A fetch cycle A memory read cycle A memory write cycle An I/O read cycle A fetch cycle ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor The output data lines of microprocessor and memories are usually tristated because More than one device can transmit over the data bus at the same time The data line can be multiplexed for both input and output More than one device can transmit information over the data bus by enabling only one device at a time It increases the speed of data transfer over the data bus More than one device can transmit over the data bus at the same time The data line can be multiplexed for both input and output More than one device can transmit information over the data bus by enabling only one device at a time It increases the speed of data transfer over the data bus ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP