Alligation or Mixture problems
In what ratio must a mixture of 20% milk strength be mixed with that of 60% milk strength so as to get a new mixture of 25% milk strength?
Ratio of milk and water = 2 : 1Quantity of milk = 60 X 2/3 = 40 litreQuantity of water = 20 litreTo make ratio, 1: 2, we have to double the water that of milkSo, water should be 80 litre.That means 80 ? 20 = 60 litre water to be added.
Rate of rice of quantity 280 kg = Rs. 15.60/kg Rate of rice of quantity 120 kg = Rs. 14.40/kg He want to earn a profit of Rs. 10.45/kg Rate of Mix to sell to get profit of 10.45 = 280 x 15 . 60 + 120 x 14 . 40 280 + 120 + 10 . 45 4368 + 1728 400 + 10 . 45 = > 15 . 24 + 10 . 45 = 25 . 69
As per figure we can calculate the ration as belowNumber of officers / Number of workers = 1000 / 7000 = 1 / 7 No. of officers = 1 / (1 + 7) × 400 = 50 No. of workers = 400 ? 50 = 350
Ratio of milk andwater = 4:1 Quantity of water = 35/5 = 7 litres Quantity of milk = 35 X 4/5 = 28 litres If 7 litre of water is added, new quantity of water = 14 litre New ratio of milk and water = 28:14 = 2:1