Structural Analysis
Study the following statements.
i) The displacement method is more useful when degree of kinematic indeterminacy is greater than the degree of static indeterminacy.
ii) The displacement method is more useful when degree of kinematic indeterminacy is less than the degree of static indeterminacy.
iii) The force method is more useful when degree of static indeterminacy is greater than the degree of kinematic indeterminacy.
iv) The force method is more useful when degree of static indeterminacy is less than the degree of kinematic indeterminacy.
The correct answer is

(ii) and (iii)
(ii) and (iv)
(i) and (iv)
(i) and (iii)


Structural Analysis
Pick up the correct statement applicable to cased columns.

All of these
Single I-beam or channels back with or without flange plates may be used
The surface and edges of the steel column should be provided a concrete cover not less than 50 mm
Single I-beam or channels back with or without flange plates may be used