Engineering Mechanics
In a screw jack, the effort required to lift the load is given by (where W = Load lifted, α = Helix angle, and φ = Angle of friction.)

P = W tan (α - φ)
P = W tan (α + φ)
P = W cos (α + φ)
P = W tan (φ - α)


Engineering Mechanics
Which is the correct statement about law of polygon of forces?

If any number of forces acting at a point can be represented by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the forces are in equilibrium
If a polygon representing forces acting at a point is closed then forces are in equilibrium
If any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon, then the forces are in equilibrium
If any number of forces acting at a point can be represented in direction and magnitude by the sides of a polygon taken in order, then the forces are in equilibrium