Microprocessor In 8086 the number of bytes which can be addressed directly is about 100000 1000 one million 10000 100000 1000 one million 10000 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor RST 3 instruction will cause the processor to branch to the location 0018H 0028H 0000H 0024H 0018H 0028H 0000H 0024H ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor A structure that stores a number of bits taken “together as a unit” is a Decoder Mux Register Gate Decoder Mux Register Gate ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Register pair used to indicate memory W and Z D and E H and L B and C W and Z D and E H and L B and C ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor A number of 1-bit registers used in microprocessors to indicate certain conditions are usually referred to as latches counters flags shift registers latches counters flags shift registers ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor In an intel 8085A, which is the first machine cycle of an instruction? An op-code fetch cycle A memory write cycle A memory read cycle An I/O read cycle An op-code fetch cycle A memory write cycle A memory read cycle An I/O read cycle ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP