Waste Water Engineering For providing an Indian type W.C., the R.C.C. slabs in the toilet portion Should be sunk by 50 cm Need not be sunk Should be kept 20 cm above the adjacent portion Should be sunk by 20 cm Should be sunk by 50 cm Need not be sunk Should be kept 20 cm above the adjacent portion Should be sunk by 20 cm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering The spacing of bars of perforations of fine screens used for the treatment of sewage, is 5 to 8 mm 3 to 5 mm 8 to 10 mm 2 to 3 mm 5 to 8 mm 3 to 5 mm 8 to 10 mm 2 to 3 mm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering It is customary to design a sewer for D.W.F. on the basis of Four times the average demand Twice the average demand Average demand Thrice the average demand Four times the average demand Twice the average demand Average demand Thrice the average demand ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering If the flame of a miner’s safety lamp in a manhole extinguishes within 5 minutes, the sewer certainly contains Hydrogen sulphide Oxygen Carbon dioxide Methane Hydrogen sulphide Oxygen Carbon dioxide Methane ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering For estimating the peak run off the rational formula Q = 0.0278 KpA was evolved by Frubling Lloyd Davis Kinchling All listed here Frubling Lloyd Davis Kinchling All listed here ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Waste Water Engineering In a sludge tank, the gas mainly produced, is Carbon dioxide Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon dioxide Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP