Given expression is, 83.04 x 2.01 x 2.1The multiplication value without decimal point = 8304 x 201 x 2 = 3338208Sum of the number of decimal places in the given numbers = 2 + 2 + 1 = 5Now, in the product, the decimal point is marked off to obtain as many places of decimal.Then the answer is 33.38208.
Given expression [(0.3333)/(0.2222)] x [((0.1667)(0.8333)) / ((0.6667)(0.1250))]=[(3333 / 2222)] x [((1/6) x (5/6)) / ((2/3) x (125/1000))]=[(3/2) x (1/6) x (5/6) x (3/2) x 8]=5 / 2=2.50
Converting each of the given fractions into decimal form, we get,5/6 = 0.838/15 = 0.532/3 = 0.663/4 = 0.754/5 = 0.86/7 = 0.85Clearly, 0.85 does not lie between 0.83 and 0.53Hence the required fraction is 6/7.