Unix Which option is used with cmp command to give a detailed list of the byte number and the differing bytes in octal for each character that differs in both the files? None of these -b -r -l -d None of these -b -r -l -d ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the beginning of a line? pat^ $pat pat$ ^pat pat^ $pat pat$ ^pat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following commands is used to update access and modification times of a file? wc grep touch cat wc grep touch cat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to terminate a process? cancel shutdown haltsys kill cancel shutdown haltsys kill ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to link the files? ln None of these lk tar cp ln None of these lk tar cp ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to change directory to the name beginning with a 'p'? cd p cd p* cd [p] cd p* cd p cd p* cd [p] cd p* ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP