Unix Which option is used with the chmod command recursively to all files and sub-directories in a directory? -1 None of these -R #NAME? -1 None of these -R #NAME? ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix The % key allows you to move the cursor to the first column in the current line to move the cursor to the upperleft corner of the screen to move the cursor backward to the beginning of a word to move the cursor to a matching delimiter, when a delimiters a parenthesis, a bracket, or a brace. to move the cursor to the first column in the current line to move the cursor to the upperleft corner of the screen to move the cursor backward to the beginning of a word to move the cursor to a matching delimiter, when a delimiters a parenthesis, a bracket, or a brace. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command will be used with vi editor to append text at end of line? A I None of these i a A I None of these i a ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which of the following keys is used to overstrike a whole line? u R None of these C v u R None of these C v ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix Which command is used to remove a file? del mv rm remove del mv rm remove ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Unix In vi editor, forward search is performed using the command. ?pat /pat All of these :pat ?pat /pat All of these :pat ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP