Ancient History Art And Culture
Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct regarding the Dharmasutras and the Smritis? I. Texts were considered as the rules and regulations for the general public and for the rulers.II. Dharmasutras and the Smritis can also be termed in the modern concept as the constitution and law books for the ancient Indian polity and society
The Ninth Rock Edict criticizes the use of various popular ceremonies like during the marriage of son or daughter, birth of a child, etc. On the contrary it lays stress on Dhamma and tells the usefulness of moral conduct in one’s life.
Though the Satavahanas made liberal sacrificial fees to the Brahmanas, they also promoted Buddhism. Some of the important Buddhist sites under the Satavahanas were Nagarjunakonda and Amravati in Andhra Pradesh and Nashik and Junar areas of Maharashtra.