Radio Receivers When a receiver has good blocking performance, this means that It is unaffected by AGC derived from nearby transmissions It does not suffer from double-spotting Its detector suffers from burnout Its image frequency rejection is poor It is unaffected by AGC derived from nearby transmissions It does not suffer from double-spotting Its detector suffers from burnout Its image frequency rejection is poor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Radio Receivers The typical squelch circuit cuts off An IF amplifier when the AGC is minimum an audio amplifier when the carrier is absent An IF amplifier when the AGC is maximum RF interference when the signal is weak An IF amplifier when the AGC is minimum an audio amplifier when the carrier is absent An IF amplifier when the AGC is maximum RF interference when the signal is weak ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Radio Receivers Indicate which of the following circuits could not demodulate SSB: BFO Phase discriminator Product modulator Balance modulator BFO Phase discriminator Product modulator Balance modulator ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Radio Receivers Indicate the false statement. The superheterodyne receiver replaced the TRF receiver because the latter suffered from Gain variation over the frequency coverage range Instability Insufficient gain and sensitivity Inadequate selectivity at high frequencies Gain variation over the frequency coverage range Instability Insufficient gain and sensitivity Inadequate selectivity at high frequencies ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Radio Receivers In a ratio detector the circuit is the same as in a discriminator, except that the diodes are reversed stabilization against signal strength variations is provided the linearity is worse than in phase discriminator the output is twice that obtainable from a similar phase discriminator the circuit is the same as in a discriminator, except that the diodes are reversed stabilization against signal strength variations is provided the linearity is worse than in phase discriminator the output is twice that obtainable from a similar phase discriminator ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Radio Receivers Indicate which of the following statements about the advantages of the phase discriminator over the slope detector is false: Greater limiting Better linearity Fewer tuned circuits Much easier alignment Greater limiting Better linearity Fewer tuned circuits Much easier alignment ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP