Seven major pillar edicts have been found at Lauriya-Araraj, Lauriya Nandangarh, Rampurva, Nigali Sagar, Sarnath, Topra, and Meerut. Ashokan pillars probably signify the axis of the world (axis mundi) that separated heaven and earth.
First Rajgir, Second vaishali, Third patliputraFourth Buddhist Council is the name of two separate Buddhist council meetings first in Sri Lanka and another at Sarvastivada school, in Kashmir around the First Century AD.
During the reign of Dhruva (c. 780 – 793 CE), the Rashtrakuta kingdom expanded into an empire that encompassed all of the territory between the Kaveri River and Central India. He led successful expeditions to Kannauj and defeated the King Nagabhatta II. He also defeated the Palas of Bengal (Dharmapala).