Ancient History Art And Culture Who among the following 8th century Sanskrit poet wrote Gandavadha which describes the exploits of Yasoverman (king of Kanyakubj) ? Vemana Vidyapati Vagabhatta Vakpati Vemana Vidyapati Vagabhatta Vakpati ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ancient History Art And Culture Who wrote 'Nyaya Sutra'? Gautam Kapila Charaka Vyasa Gautam Kapila Charaka Vyasa ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ancient History Art And Culture Greek Roman Art has found a place in Bhuddhist Art Kalinga Gandhara Ellora Bhuddhist Art Kalinga Gandhara Ellora ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ancient History Art And Culture Who was the founder of Pataliputra? Bimbisara Kanishka Udayin Ajatashatru Bimbisara Kanishka Udayin Ajatashatru ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Ancient History Art And Culture In the Mauryan empire, the post Devatadhyaksha is related to – Store House Customs Crown Lands Religious Institutions Store House Customs Crown Lands Religious Institutions ANSWER EXPLANATION DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP Devatadhyaksha was appointed to perform the duties related to religious institutions.
Ancient History Art And Culture The first elaborate description of Upanayana Sanskar is found in the Aitareya Brahmana Taittiriya Brahmana Tandyamaha Brahmana Shatapatha Brahmana Aitareya Brahmana Taittiriya Brahmana Tandyamaha Brahmana Shatapatha Brahmana ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP