The function of a thermopile is to transfer the heat radiation emitted from the object to a voltage output. The output is in the range of tens or hundreds of millivolts. Thermopiles are used to provide an output in response to temperature as part of a temperature measuring device
Frequency response analysis is the technique whereby a sinusoidal test signal is used to measure points on the frequency response of a transfer function or impedance function. Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) testing provides insight into the mechanical and electrical integrity of transformers.
Main Purpose of SFRA Test: Transformer Core displacement Winding displacement for both rotor and transformer Broken or loosen clamp connections Inter turn short circuit Internal short circuit Winding to Core Earth fault Winding Open circuit condition
1.6 inches = 1.6 inches x 1,000 mils per inch = 1,600 mils 0.25 inch = 0.25 inch x 1,000 mils per inch = 250 mils Area = 1,600 x 250 = 400,000 square mils
The tendency of a Reach of Distance Relay to operate at impedance larger than its setting value is known as overreach. Overreach is the presence of d.c. offset in the fault current wave, as the offset current has a higher peak value than that of a symmetrical wave for which the relay is set.