Analog Electronics The transition capacitance of a reverse biased pn junction having uniform doping on both sides, varies with junction voltage ( VB ) as 1 / VB. ( VB )- 1 / 2. VB. ( VB )2. 1 / VB. ( VB )- 1 / 2. VB. ( VB )2. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In a N-type semiconductor material electrons are .................... Majority charge carriers Minority charge carriers High charge carriers Low charge carriers Majority charge carriers Minority charge carriers High charge carriers Low charge carriers ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics When Semiconductor materials is heated its resistance increases remains constant None of these decreases increases remains constant None of these decreases ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics If the emitter resistance increases, the collector voltage decreases. breaks down the transistor. increases. stays the same. decreases. breaks down the transistor. increases. stays the same. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Binary Logic is mainly based on arithmetic operation and both A and B logical operations subtraction operations addition operations both A and B logical operations subtraction operations addition operations ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics One of the following is the primary function of an oscillator None of these produces sinusoidal oscillations generates sustained oscillations at a constant amplitude and specific frequency generates non sinusoidal waveforms None of these produces sinusoidal oscillations generates sustained oscillations at a constant amplitude and specific frequency generates non sinusoidal waveforms ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP