Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines The power of a boiler may be defined as The amount of water evaporated from and at 100° C into dry and saturated steam The evaporation of 15.653 kg of water per hour from and at 100° C The amount of water evaporated or steam produced in kg per kg of fuel burnt The ratio of heat actually used in producing the steam to the heat liberated in the furnace The amount of water evaporated from and at 100° C into dry and saturated steam The evaporation of 15.653 kg of water per hour from and at 100° C The amount of water evaporated or steam produced in kg per kg of fuel burnt The ratio of heat actually used in producing the steam to the heat liberated in the furnace ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines The actual power generated in the engine cylinder is called None of these Frictional power Brake power Indicated power None of these Frictional power Brake power Indicated power ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines The process of maintaining the speed of the turbine constant for various load conditions, is known as None of these Reheating Governing Bleeding None of these Reheating Governing Bleeding ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines The supersaturated flow of steam through a nozzle as compared to a stable flow, the available heat drop Increases Is unpredictable Remains the same Decreases Increases Is unpredictable Remains the same Decreases ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines The fire tubes in, a Coarran and Scottish marine boiler are Both horizontal and vertical Inclined Horizontal Vertical Both horizontal and vertical Inclined Horizontal Vertical ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines Steam turbines are used for Large marine propulsion Direct drive of fans, compressors, pumps Electric power generation All of these Large marine propulsion Direct drive of fans, compressors, pumps Electric power generation All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP