Digital Electronics The most suitable gate to check whether the number of 1s in a digital word is even or odd is NAND NOR X-OR AND, OR, and NOT NAND NOR X-OR AND, OR, and NOT ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The output of a gate is LOW if and only if all its inputs are HIGH. It is true for X-NOR NOR NAND AND X-NOR NOR NAND AND ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics Which is typically the longest: bit,byte,nibble,word? word byte nibble bit word byte nibble bit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics In Digital Logic Designs, GAL is abbreviated as General Array Logic Generic Array Logic Generic Advance Logic General Advance Logic General Array Logic Generic Array Logic Generic Advance Logic General Advance Logic ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics An EPROM is non erasable erasable but not programmable volatile programmable and erasable non erasable erasable but not programmable volatile programmable and erasable ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics In which of the following codes do the successive characters differ in only 1-bit position? cyclic code binary code 8421 code 2421 code cyclic code binary code 8421 code 2421 code ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP