Analog Electronics The major advantage of a photo transistor as compared to a photo diode is its increased sensitivity. response to higher frequencies. durability. AC operation. increased sensitivity. response to higher frequencies. durability. AC operation. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Which material behave like perfect insulators at low temperatures & conductor at higher temperature ? GaAs Ge Si All the above GaAs Ge Si All the above ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Darlington connection is achieved in 2 transistors by connecting both emitter. both collector. grounding both collector. both base. both emitter. both collector. grounding both collector. both base. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The emitter of the transistor is generally doped the heaviest because it has to dissipate maximum power. is the first region of transistor. must possess low resistance. has to supply the charge carriers. has to dissipate maximum power. is the first region of transistor. must possess low resistance. has to supply the charge carriers. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The voltage across the zener resistance is usually subtracted from the breakdown voltage. small. measured in volts. large. subtracted from the breakdown voltage. small. measured in volts. large. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The positive part of the output signal in a transistor circuit starts clipping, if Q point of the circuit moves toward the saturation point. none of these. toward the cutoff point. toward the center of the load line. toward the saturation point. none of these. toward the cutoff point. toward the center of the load line. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP