Analog Electronics In a MOSFET, the polarity of the inversion layer is the same as that of the majority carries in the source . majority carries in the substrate. charge on the gate electrode. minority carriers in the drain . majority carries in the source . majority carries in the substrate. charge on the gate electrode. minority carriers in the drain . ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Class B amplifier is biased nearly twice cut-off. at midpoint of load line. just at cut-off. None of these nearly twice cut-off. at midpoint of load line. just at cut-off. None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In a transistor amplifier, the reverse saturation electric current ICO double for every 5° rise in temperature. increase linearly with the temperature. double for every 1° rise in temperature. double for every 10° rise in temperature. double for every 5° rise in temperature. increase linearly with the temperature. double for every 1° rise in temperature. double for every 10° rise in temperature. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In an OP-amp differentiator Polarity of input and output is the same The amplitude of output is proportional to input The amplitude of output is proportional to rate of change of input Output occurs when input is finite and constant Polarity of input and output is the same The amplitude of output is proportional to input The amplitude of output is proportional to rate of change of input Output occurs when input is finite and constant ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics What will be the Potential barrier for Si Diode ? 0.3 V 0.7 V 0.05 V 0.07 V 0.3 V 0.7 V 0.05 V 0.07 V ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The magnitude of electric current ICBO depends largely upon the emitter doping. is generally greater in silicon than in germanium transistor. depends largely upon emitter-base junction base potential. increases with the increase in temperature. depends largely upon the emitter doping. is generally greater in silicon than in germanium transistor. depends largely upon emitter-base junction base potential. increases with the increase in temperature. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP