Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures The limits of percentage p of the longitudinal reinforce-ment in a column is given by 0.8% to 4% 0.8% to 8% 0.15% to 2% 0.8% to 6% 0.8% to 4% 0.8% to 8% 0.15% to 2% 0.8% to 6% ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures The property of fresh concrete, in which the water in the mix tends to rise to the surface while placing and compacting, is called bulking segregation creep bleeding bulking segregation creep bleeding ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures The main reason for providing number of reinforcing bars at a support in a simply supported beam is to resist in that zone compressive stress shear stress tensile stress bond stress compressive stress shear stress tensile stress bond stress ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures As compared to ordinary portland cement, use of pozzuolanic cement reduces workability increases bleeding increases shrinkage increases strength reduces workability increases bleeding increases shrinkage increases strength ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures Which of the following losses of prestress occurs only in pretensioning and not in post-tensioning ? shrinkage of concrete elastic shortening of concrete loss due to friction creep of concrete shrinkage of concrete elastic shortening of concrete loss due to friction creep of concrete ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Concrete Technology and Design of Concrete Structures Maximum quantity of water needed per 50 kg of cement for M 15 grade of concrete is 34 liters 30 liters 32 liters 28 liters 34 liters 30 liters 32 liters 28 liters ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP