Analog Electronics The collector characteristics of a common - emitter connected transistor may be used to find its voltage gain. base current. output resistance . input resistance. voltage gain. base current. output resistance . input resistance. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics MOSFET requires None of these. A large input current. Only small input current. A large input current and high voltage. None of these. A large input current. Only small input current. A large input current and high voltage. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics When a reverse bias is applied to gate of JFET the depletion region width is wider near the drain and tapers near source. is uniform in the channel. is wider near the source and tapers near the drain. None of these is wider near the drain and tapers near source. is uniform in the channel. is wider near the source and tapers near the drain. None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics If the base current is 100 mA and the current gain is 30, the emitter current is 3.33 mA. 10 A. 3 A. 3.1 A. 3.33 mA. 10 A. 3 A. 3.1 A. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Conventional biasing of a BJT has EB forward biased and CB forward biased. EB reversed biased and CB reversed biased. EB forward biased and CB reversed biased. EB reversed biased and CB forward biased. EB forward biased and CB forward biased. EB reversed biased and CB reversed biased. EB forward biased and CB reversed biased. EB reversed biased and CB forward biased. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The collector current is 1.5 mA. If the current gain is 50, the base current is 30 µA. 150 µA. 3 mA. 3 µA. 30 µA. 150 µA. 3 mA. 3 µA. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP