Digital Electronics The codes in which each successive code word differs from the preceding one in only one bit position are called cyclic codes self-complementing codes sequential codes BCD codes cyclic codes self-complementing codes sequential codes BCD codes ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics What is the gray code for the binary 101011? 110101 011111 101011 111110 110101 011111 101011 111110 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics XNOR followed by a NOT gate is equivalant to ________ gate XNOR XOR OR NOR XNOR XOR OR NOR ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The terms which cannot be combined further in the tabular method are called implicants prime implicants essential prime implicants selective prime implicants implicants prime implicants essential prime implicants selective prime implicants ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The maximum positive and negative numbers that can be represented in one’s complement using n-bits are respectively +(2n-1-1),-(2n-1-1) None of these +2n-1,-(2n-1-1) +(2n-1-1),-2n-1 +(2n-1-1),-(2n-1-1) None of these +2n-1,-(2n-1-1) +(2n-1-1),-2n-1 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics If J = K (J and K are shorted) in a JK flip-flop, what circuit is made Shorted JK flip-flop T flip-flop K flip-flop SR flip-flop Shorted JK flip-flop T flip-flop K flip-flop SR flip-flop ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP