Surveying The circle in which a plane tangent to the earth's surface at the point of observation, intersects the celestial sphere, is called Visible horizon True horizon Sensible horizon Celestial horizon Visible horizon True horizon Sensible horizon Celestial horizon ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying For a line AB none is correct both (A) and (B) are correct the forebearing of AB and back bearing of AB differ by 180° the forebearing of AB and back bearing of BA differ by 180° none is correct both (A) and (B) are correct the forebearing of AB and back bearing of AB differ by 180° the forebearing of AB and back bearing of BA differ by 180° ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying The rise and fall method quicker and less tedious for large number of intermediate sights provides a check on the reduction of intermediate point levels is less accurate than height of instrument method is not suitable for levelling with tilting levels quicker and less tedious for large number of intermediate sights provides a check on the reduction of intermediate point levels is less accurate than height of instrument method is not suitable for levelling with tilting levels ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying Which of the following errors can be eliminated by taking mean of bot face observations ? error due to eccentricity of verniers error due to imperfect graduations error due to line of collimation not being perpendicular to horizontal axis error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels error due to eccentricity of verniers error due to imperfect graduations error due to line of collimation not being perpendicular to horizontal axis error due to imperfect adjustment of plate levels ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying ‘H’ is the flying height above mean ground level and ‘f’ is the principal distance of a vertical photograph. The mean scale of the photographs is H/f H + f f/H H. f H/f H + f f/H H. f ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Surveying If the reduced bearing of a line AB is N60°W and length is 100 m, then the latitude and departure respectively of the line AB will be +50 m, +86.6 m +50 m, -86.6 m +86.6 m, -50 m +70.7 m, -50 m +50 m, +86.6 m +50 m, -86.6 m +86.6 m, -50 m +70.7 m, -50 m ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP