Language Processors The action of parsing the source program into the proper syntactic classes is known as general syntax analysis lexical analysis interpretation analysis syntax analysis general syntax analysis lexical analysis interpretation analysis syntax analysis ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors The function(s) of the Storage Assignment is/are: All of these to assign storage to all variables referenced in the source program to assign storage to literals, and to ensure that the storage is allocated and appropriate locations are initialized to assign storage to all temporary locations that are necessary for intermediate results All of these to assign storage to all variables referenced in the source program to assign storage to literals, and to ensure that the storage is allocated and appropriate locations are initialized to assign storage to all temporary locations that are necessary for intermediate results ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors Which of the following functions is/ are performed by the loader? Adjust all address dependent locations, such as address constants, to correspond to the allocated space All of these Allocate space in memory for the programs and resolve symbolic references between object decks Physically place the machine instructions and data into memory Adjust all address dependent locations, such as address constants, to correspond to the allocated space All of these Allocate space in memory for the programs and resolve symbolic references between object decks Physically place the machine instructions and data into memory ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors In analyzing the compilation of PL/I program, the term "Machine independent optimization" is associated with use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols creation of more optional matrix recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions use of macro processor to produce more optimal assembly code recognition of basic elements and creation of uniform symbols creation of more optional matrix recognition of basic syntactic constructs through reductions ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors Job Control Language (JCL) statements are Used to Specify, to the operating system, the beginning and end of a job in a batch Allocate the CPU to a job Read the input from the slow-speed card reader to the high-speed magnetic disk All of these Specify, to the operating system, the beginning and end of a job in a batch Allocate the CPU to a job Read the input from the slow-speed card reader to the high-speed magnetic disk All of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Language Processors When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader, called a ______ is executed loader linker bootstrap loader None of these loader linker bootstrap loader None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP