Digital Electronics The 2s complement of 17 is 101110. 101111. 110001. 111110. 101110. 101111. 110001. 111110. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics The data bus width of a ROM of size 2048 × 8 bits is 12 10 8 16 12 10 8 16 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics A computer has a word length of 8 bits (including sign). It is required to determine the range of integers that can be stored in the computer. If 1’s complement is used to represent the numbers, then the range will be -128 to 127 -256 to 255 -256 to 256 -127 to 127 -128 to 127 -256 to 255 -256 to 256 -127 to 127 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics AND operation is equivalant to Union Intersection Division Both B and C Union Intersection Division Both B and C ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics In binary number system the first digit (bit) from right to left is called as LSB, Least Significant Bit First Bit MSB, Most Significant Bit Last Bit LSB, Least Significant Bit First Bit MSB, Most Significant Bit Last Bit ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Digital Electronics An any or all gate is the other name of X-OR gate AND gate OR gate X-NOR gate X-OR gate AND gate OR gate X-NOR gate ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP