The Tabaqat-i-Nasiri which was compiled in 1260 CE by the author Minhaj-i-Siraj and it gives a complete account of Muhammad of Ghur’s conquest of India and the history of the Delhi Sultanate up to 1260 CE.
The Mosque was built by Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan’s daughter in 1648 A.D. It was constructed by more than 5000 workers. It was originally called Masjid-i-Jahan Numa, meaning ‘mosque commanding view of the world’.
The Baburnama also known as the Tuzuk-i-Baburi or the Memoirs of Babur is the autobiography of Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur. It constitutes a first-rate account of Babur’s own career and the history of his times.
The Vijaynagar and the Brahmini kingdoms are always at war for various reasons. The delta region between Krishna and Tungabhadra along with Krishna Godavari delta is a major issue. It is a Marathawada country.