Operating System (OS) Resolution of externally defined symbols is performed by None of these Compiler Loader Linker Assembler None of these Compiler Loader Linker Assembler ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Whenever you move a directory from one location to another All files inside the directory are moved All the subdirectory inside that directory are moved The directory is moved the source file is not moved Both A and B All files inside the directory are moved All the subdirectory inside that directory are moved The directory is moved the source file is not moved Both A and B ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Supervisor state is only allowed to the operating system never used required to perform any I/O None of these entered by programs when they enter the processor only allowed to the operating system never used required to perform any I/O None of these entered by programs when they enter the processor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Which of the following is an example of utility? Antivirus Data recovery Word Operating system Antivirus Data recovery Word Operating system ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) System programs such as Compilers are designed so that they are recursive reenterable non reusable None of these serially usable recursive reenterable non reusable None of these serially usable ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Operating System (OS) Which one of the following key is used to refresh the active window? F7 F8 F9 F5 F7 F8 F9 F5 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP