What does SPL stand for? Standard PHP List Standard PHP Library Source PHP List Source PHP Library TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which logging option’s description is, if an error occurs when writing to the syslog, send output to the system console? LOG_ODELAY LOG_PERROR LOG_NDELAY LOG_CONS TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which character do the error_reporting directive use to represent the logical operator NOT? ! ~ / ^ TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which version of PHP was added with Exception handling? PHP 5.3 PHP 6 PHP 5 PHP 4 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which function initializes the constants necessary for using the openlog(), clodelog(), and syslog() functions? log_variable() define_log_variable() define_variable() define_syslog_variable() TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which version introduced the function error_get_last()? PHP 5 PHP 5.3 PHP 4 PHP 5.2 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which of the following is/are an exception?<br/>1. OutOfBoundException<br/>2. OutOfRangeException<br/>3. OverflowException<br/>4. UnderflowException 1 and 3 All of the mentioned None of the mentioned 1 and 2 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
How many predefined exceptions does SPL provide access to? 15 14 16 13 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which function is responsible for sending a custom message to the system log? systemlog() sys_log() log_system() syslog() TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?