Which of the following does not support more than one program at a time? Unix Linux Windows DOS TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by the loader None of these Loading Linking Reallocation Allocation TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which of the following, is necessary to work on a computer Compiler Assembly Operating system None of these Interpreter of the above TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The SJF algorithm executes first the job None of these that has been in the queue the longest that last entered the queue with the least processor needs that first entered the queue TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The windows feature is the ability of computer to automatically configure a new hardware component is that None of above Plug and play Add remove hardware Auto detect TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
You should choose sleep option when You are leaving for a very short time and want to resume you work shortly The computer is tired after working for the whole day You finish working and going to bed When computer gets hanged frequently. Let it sleep for some time TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The operating system creates ___ from the physical computer Virtual computers Virtual device Virtual space None of the listed here TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Use of icons and windows are characteristics of ....... interface Windows orientated Menu driven Command driven Graphical user TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
My computer was introduced from Windows 3.11 Windows 98 Windows 3.1 Windows 95 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
What does Belady's Anomaly related to? Page Replacement Algorithm Deadlock Prevention Algorithm Disk Scheduling Algorithm Memory Management Algorithm TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?