Which of the following drugs may show plasmid-mediated resistance? Nalidixic acid Methicillin Rifampicin Ampicillin TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which of the following methods would be most appropriate for sterilizing an antibiotic solution? Microfiltration Autoclaving Desiccation Dry heat sterilization TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which of the following may cause resistance to penicillin? Alteration or lack of penicillin-binding proteins Production of β-lactamases by bacteria All of these Impermeability of cell envelope TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics which inhibit Cross-linking of peptidoglycan DNA gyrase RNA polymerase DNA polymerase TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The antibiotics which affords a broad spectrum of antimicrobial coverage against aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, rickettsiae, chlamydiae, and mycoplasmas is tetracycline metronidazole gentamicin vancomycin TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
When using alcohol as an antiseptic, which concentration is considered most effective? 25% 95% 70% 50% TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which of the following is used only in life-threatening situations when no other drug is adequate? Chloramphenicol Penicillin Tetracycline Streptomycin TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Which of the following protein synthesis mechanisms may be affected by particular drugs? All of these Aminoacyl-tRNA binding mRNA translocation Peptide bond formation TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The mode of action of polymyxin is to inhibit DNA synthesis injury to the plasma membrane inhibit folic acid synthesis inhibit protein synthesis TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The compound(s) which act(s) as metabolic antagonist is/are none of these sulphonamides both (a) and (b) trimethoprim TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?