The runway orientation is made so that landing and takeoff are None of these Along the wind direction Against the wind direction Perpendicular to wind direction TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
As per ICAO recommendation, the rate of change of longitudinal gradient per 30 m length of vertical curve for A and B type of airports is limited to a maximum of 0.003 0.001 0.004 0.002 TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Effective length of a runway is the distance between Point of intersection of the glide path and the extended plane of the runway surface and the other end of the runway Ends of the runway Ends of the clear way on either side Point of intersection of the obstruction clearance line and the extended plane of the runway surface, and the other end of the runway TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Beaufort scale is used to determine Strength of winds Height of air-crafts None of these Direction of winds TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The meteorological condition which influences the size and location of an air port is Reduced level All listed here Air density Atmosphere pressure TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.) the strength of runway pavements, have been coded by First seven numbers Last Seven English alphabets First Seven English alphabets Seven English alphabets TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Assertion A : The ratio of arriving and departing aircrafts influences the airport capacity:Reason R : Landing operation is generally given priority over the taking off operation.Select your answer based on the coding system given below: A is false but R is true Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A A is true but R is false Both A and R is true and R is not the correct explanation of A TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
Consider the following statements regarding ICAO recommendation for correction to basic runway length of these statements<br/>1. The basic runway length should be increased at the rate of 7 percent per 300 m rise in elevation above the mean sea level.<br/>2. The basic runway length after having been corrected for elevation should be further increased at the rate of 1 percent for every 1°C rise in airport reference temperature above the standard atmospheric temperature at that elevation.<br/>3. The runway length after having been corrected for elevation and temperature should be further increased at the rate of 20% for every 1 percent of effective gradient. 1 and 2 are correct 1 and 3 are correct 2 and 3 are correct 1, 2 and 3 are correct TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
The maximum value of the angle of turning of the nose gear large jet aircrafts, is limited to 30° 45° 20° 60° TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?
A gradient of + 0.08% is followed by a gradient of - 0.07%. If the permissible rate of change of grade is 0.003 per 30 meters, the length of the transition curve, is 160 m 140 m 175 m 150 m TRUE ANSWER : ? YOUR ANSWER : ?