Analog Electronics Most of the electrons in the base of an NPN transistor do not recombine because they flow out of the base. have a long lifetime. have a negative charge. must flow through the base. flow out of the base. have a long lifetime. have a negative charge. must flow through the base. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The input stage of an op amp is usually a class B push-pull amplifier. swamped amplifier. CE amplifier. differential amp. class B push-pull amplifier. swamped amplifier. CE amplifier. differential amp. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics A small collector current with zero base current is caused by the leakage current of the emitter diode. base diode. collector diode. transistor. emitter diode. base diode. collector diode. transistor. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics An Op-Amp comparator circuit employs -ve feedback. no feedback. +ve feedback. both B and C. -ve feedback. no feedback. +ve feedback. both B and C. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics MOSFET can be used as a Voltage controlled capacitor Voltage controlled inductors Current controlled capacitor Current controlled inductor Voltage controlled capacitor Voltage controlled inductors Current controlled capacitor Current controlled inductor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The resistance of pn junction when it is forward biased in the order of Kilo Ohm Mega Ohm None of these Ohm Kilo Ohm Mega Ohm None of these Ohm ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP