Analog Electronics A D - MOSFET is considered to be a high - power switch. normally on device. current controlled device. normally off device. high - power switch. normally on device. current controlled device. normally off device. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In a normally biased npn transistor, the electrons in the emitter have enough energy to overcome the barrier potential of the collector - base junction. recombination path. base - collector junction. base - emitter junction. collector - base junction. recombination path. base - collector junction. base - emitter junction. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics If the base resistor is open, what is the collect current? 10 mA. 2 mA. 1 mA. 0 mA. 10 mA. 2 mA. 1 mA. 0 mA. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics MOSFET requires A large input current and high voltage. None of these. Only small input current. A large input current. A large input current and high voltage. None of these. Only small input current. A large input current. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Early effect in BJT refers to base narrowing. thermal breakdown. zener breakdown. avalanche breakdown. base narrowing. thermal breakdown. zener breakdown. avalanche breakdown. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Binary Logic is mainly based on arithmetic operation and addition operations logical operations both A and B subtraction operations addition operations logical operations both A and B subtraction operations ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP