Analog Electronics The most commonly used transistor circuit arrangement is common emitter. common collector. common base. None of these common emitter. common collector. common base. None of these ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics A LED produces light when None of these reverse biased. unbiased. forward biased. None of these reverse biased. unbiased. forward biased. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Large electric current flow of a BJT occurs in emitter. in base. in collector. through emitter-collector in emitter. in base. in collector. through emitter-collector ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics If the emitter resistor is open, the collector voltage is unknown. low. high. unchanged. unknown. low. high. unchanged. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics To prevent a DC return between source and load, it is necessary to use Either A or B Resistor between source and load Inductor between source and load Capacitor between source and load Either A or B Resistor between source and load Inductor between source and load Capacitor between source and load ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Energy gap of semiconductor is approx 5 - 8 eV. 0 eV. > 8 eV . 1 eV. 5 - 8 eV. 0 eV. > 8 eV . 1 eV. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP