Microprocessor In 8085 microprocessor which one of the following statement is wrong there is a pin available for serial input serial I/O is possible through SIM and RIM instruction there is a pin available for serial output serial I/O is not possible there is a pin available for serial input serial I/O is possible through SIM and RIM instruction there is a pin available for serial output serial I/O is not possible ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor EPROMs are preferred for storing programs while developing new microprocessor based system. Because of their erasable and programmable characteristic random access characteristic non-volatile characteristic all the above characteristic erasable and programmable characteristic random access characteristic non-volatile characteristic all the above characteristic ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor When any data transfer instruction, to transfer the data from memory to microprocessor, is executed the condition flags are always reset always set not affected affected indicating specific conditions always reset always set not affected affected indicating specific conditions ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Let the content of accumulator and register B be 0000 0100 and 0100 0000 respectively before execution of instruction SUB B. The content of accumulator after the execution of this instruction will be 010001000 11000100 00000100 01000000 010001000 11000100 00000100 01000000 ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Microprocessor Let the content of register C be 00000000 before the instruction DCR C is executed. The content of register C after the after the execution of this instruction will be 00000000 11111111 00000001 None 00000000 11111111 00000001 None ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP