Analog Electronics In modern the MOSFET, the material used for the gate is epitaxially grown silicon. heavily doped poly crystalline silicon. high - purity silica. high - purity silicon. epitaxially grown silicon. heavily doped poly crystalline silicon. high - purity silica. high - purity silicon. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics How will be the extrinsic semiconductor act at room temperature ? Poor conductor Conductor None of these Medium Conductor Poor conductor Conductor None of these Medium Conductor ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The properties of JFET resemble those of thermionic valves. NPN transistors. UJT. PNP transistors. thermionic valves. NPN transistors. UJT. PNP transistors. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The collector characteristics of a common - emitter connected transistor may be used to find its input resistance. voltage gain. base current. output resistance . input resistance. voltage gain. base current. output resistance . ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Single phase, 230 V, 1 KW heater is connected acrose single phase 230 V, 50 Hz supply through a diode. The power delivered to the heater element 100 W. 500 W. None of above. 1000 W. 100 W. 500 W. None of above. 1000 W. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics For a JEFT, when VDS is increased beyond the pinch-off voltage, the drain electric current first increase and then decreased. decreases. increased. remains constant. first increase and then decreased. decreases. increased. remains constant. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP