Analog Electronics The emitter electric current in a junction with normal bias changes greatly by a small changes in collector bias voltage. is equal to the sum of IB and IC. is equal to ICBO. is almost equal to the base current. changes greatly by a small changes in collector bias voltage. is equal to the sum of IB and IC. is equal to ICBO. is almost equal to the base current. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics When there is no base current in a transistor switch, the output voltage from the transistor is unchanged. high. unknown. low. unchanged. high. unknown. low. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Leakage electric current in CE configuration is very small. very high. normal. not present. very small. very high. normal. not present. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The main factor which makes a MOSFET likely to breakdown during the normal handling both (A) and (C). high leakage current. very low gate capacitance. high input resistance. both (A) and (C). high leakage current. very low gate capacitance. high input resistance. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The value of total collector electric current in a CB circuit is IC = αIE + ICO. IC = βIE. IC = αIE - ICO. IC = αIE. IC = αIE + ICO. IC = βIE. IC = αIE - ICO. IC = αIE. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Base of a number system is also known as count shift radix value count shift radix value ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP