Analog Electronics The emitter electric current in a junction with normal bias changes greatly by a small changes in collector bias voltage. is equal to ICBO. is almost equal to the base current. is equal to the sum of IB and IC. changes greatly by a small changes in collector bias voltage. is equal to ICBO. is almost equal to the base current. is equal to the sum of IB and IC. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics A silicon pn junction in forward condition has a voltage drop closer to 2.1 V. 0.1 V. 0.7 V. 1.7 V. 2.1 V. 0.1 V. 0.7 V. 1.7 V. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics Energy gap of semiconductor is approx > 8 eV . 0 eV. 1 eV. 5 - 8 eV. > 8 eV . 0 eV. 1 eV. 5 - 8 eV. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics At the unity-gain frequency, the open-loop voltage gain is zero. 1. AV(mid). very large zero. 1. AV(mid). very large ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics In a differential amplifier, the CMRR is limited mostly by the CMRR of the opamp. gain - bandwidth product. supply voltages . tolerance of the resistors. CMRR of the opamp. gain - bandwidth product. supply voltages . tolerance of the resistors. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Analog Electronics The depletion region of a pn junction is one, that is depleted of velocity of the carriers. immobile charges. mobiles charges. atoms. velocity of the carriers. immobile charges. mobiles charges. atoms. ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP