Fractions and Decimals
In a village, (5/8)th of the population are adults,half of the adults are male,(4/5)th of adult females are illiterate. if 400 females are illiterate, then the population of the village is ?
Let the population of village = N Then, adult's population = 5N/8and adult females = 1/2 x 5N/8 = 5N/16 ∴ illiterate females = 4/5 of adult female population ⇒ 400 = 4/5 x 5N/16 ⇒ N = (400 x 16)/4∴ N = 1600
Sum of the decimal places = 7 .Since the last digit to the extreme right will be zero ( 5 * 4 = 20), so there will be 6 significant digits to the right of the decimal point....
Given expression [(0.3333)/(0.2222)] x [((0.1667)(0.8333)) / ((0.6667)(0.1250))]=[(3333 / 2222)] x [((1/6) x (5/6)) / ((2/3) x (125/1000))]=[(3/2) x (1/6) x (5/6) x (3/2) x 8]=5 / 2=2.50