Alligation or Mixture problems
In a mixture of milk and water, there is only 26% water. After replacing the mixture with 7 liters of pure milk , the percentage of milk in the mixture become 76%. The quantity of mixture is:
Milk Water 74% 26% (initially) 76% 24% ( after replacement) Left amount = Initial amount 1 - r e p l a c e d a m o u n t t o t a l a m o u n t 24 = 26 1 - 7 k => k = 91
Let the amount of juice and water in original mixture '4x' litre and '3x' litre respectively.
According to given data,
4x / 3x + 6 = 8/7
28x = 24x + 48
28 x ? 24x = 48
4x = 48
x = 12
Amount of juice = 4x = 4×12 = 48 litre.
Ratio of milk and water = 2 : 1Quantity of milk = 60 X 2/3 = 40 litreQuantity of water = 20 litreTo make ratio, 1: 2, we have to double the water that of milkSo, water should be 80 litre.That means 80 ? 20 = 60 litre water to be added.
As per the given question , We are concerned with solid part of the fruit (pure portion). Assume Q kg of dry fruit is obtained.? Solid part in fresh fruit = Solid part in dry fruit? 0·28 × 100 = 0·8 × Q? Q = 35 kg? 35 kg of dry fruit can be obtained from 100 kg fresh fruit.
Let C.P. of 1 liter milk be Re. 1, Gain = 16 2/3 % = 50/3 %and S.P. of 1 liter mixture = Re. 1 then C.P. of 1 liter mixture = (1 x (100 x 3) / 350) = Re. (6 / 7) By the rule of alligation,Hence, required ratio = (1/ 7) : (6 / 7) = 1 : 6