Electronic Devices and Circuits If too large current passes through the diode Diode will emit light All holes will freeze Excessive heat may damage the diode All electrons will leave Diode will emit light All holes will freeze Excessive heat may damage the diode All electrons will leave ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electronic Devices and Circuits An intrinsic silicon sample has 1 million free electrons at room temperature. As the temperature is increased The number of free electrons increases The number of free electrons increases but the number of holes decreases The number of free electrons and holes increase by the same amount The number of free electrons and holes increase but not by the same amount The number of free electrons increases The number of free electrons increases but the number of holes decreases The number of free electrons and holes increase by the same amount The number of free electrons and holes increase but not by the same amount ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electronic Devices and Circuits The amount of photoelectric emission current depends on Both frequency and intensity of incident radiation Frequency of incident radiation None of these Intensity of incident radiation Both frequency and intensity of incident radiation Frequency of incident radiation None of these Intensity of incident radiation ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electronic Devices and Circuits Which of the following has highest resistivity? Mica Mineral oil Air Paraffin wax Mica Mineral oil Air Paraffin wax ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electronic Devices and Circuits In the sale of diamonds the unit of weight is carat. One carat is equal to 200 mg 100 mg 500 mg 150 mg 200 mg 100 mg 500 mg 150 mg ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP
Electronic Devices and Circuits Work function is the maximum energy required by the fastest electron at 0 K to escape from the metal surface. False True False True ANSWER DOWNLOAD EXAMIANS APP